Ancient History

14 Things We Bet You Didn’t Know About Cleopatra

12. Unlike Her Greek Ancestors, Cleopatra Learned Egyptian and May Have Been Part Egyptian

The Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt, founded by Pharaoh Ptolemy I Soter (“Savior”), was of primarily Macedonian Greek descent. Greek-born Ptolemy was one of Alexander the Great’s BFFs. After Alexander’s death, Ptolemy and Alexander’s other generals carved up his empire; Ptolemy got Egypt, along with a few other, tinier territories. He kept his Greek name, but modeled himself after Egyptian rulers by making himself pharaoh. His successors went one further by marrying their siblings, a hallmark of many ancient kings, Egyptians in particular. So a lot of Cleopatra’s family was Macedonian Greek and not native Egyptian.

But unlike her predecessors, Cleo actually took the time to learn the Egyptian language, meaning she could effectively communicate with her subjects. She may actually have been of part-Egyptian descent herself. Her dad, Ptolemy XII, was mostly Greek, but we don’t know the identity of either his own mother or Cleopatra’s mother. Perhaps Cleo’s grandmother or mother were Egyptian and instilled a love of their native country in the young princess.